Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Most Significant Events of Each Decade

Most Significant Events Final Project K A University of Phoenix: Axia College Jonathan Tietz November 28, 2010 Most Significant Events of the 50`s, 60`s 70`s 80`s and 90`s World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. This was a war that involved most of the world’s nations and all of the world’s greatest powers. When the war ended the events that followed over the next five decades had a great effect on the American people. There are some events that had more of an effect than others. This paper will discuss five major events over five decades that has had a powerful effect on the American people.Beginning in 1950 and ending in 1990, this paper will discuss the most significant events from each decade that either positively or negatively changed the American way of living. The communist scare took place in the 1950`s. McCarthyism, named after a man named Joseph McCarthy was a republican U. S. senator. In the 1950`s anticommunism created fear among the American people (McCarth yism, 2006). McCarthy played on Americans fears in an effort to better his political campaign. He instilled this fear by convicting anyone who was a part of the communist party or had anything to do with it.During court hearing Americans remained silent so that they wouldn`t be accused of communism. He accused some of the United States federal government of being communist and soviet spies. McCarthy was unable to prove his claims and was therefore censored by the American government (McCarthyism, 2006). Americans lost their jobs if they were accused of communism, library books were burned to hide evidence of communist acts. Americans suffered greatly during this time as they had to walk on around on egg shells (McCarthyism, 2006). IfAmericans did not agree with anticommunism, they were considered to be communist and were punished for not supporting the American way. People feared McCarthy, but it all ended when he made a public mockery of senate procedures (McCarthyism, 2006). He en ded his career to be known as reckless and dishonest man. Americans want peace took place in the 1960`s. The Vietnam War was well overdue considering some events that took place after World War II. How did America get involved in the Vietnam War? It all started with the Atlantic Charter. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston S.Church hill created this charter in hopes of a better world. Russia and China were not part of this charter and ultimately lead the U. S. to believe that Russia and China were involved in colonialism. Communism increased in South East Asia, mostly in Korea, Vietnam, China, and Cuba. The U. S. took action and attacked and conflict arose with Korea. The U. S. gets involved in Southeast Asia`s politics. North Korea invades South Korea. Nothing is accomplished and North Korea remains the same and South Korea remains the same. Next the U. S. inhabits South Vietnam.The U. S. helps rebuild South Vietnams economy. The U. S. tried to gain control over South Vietnams politi cs to avoid Vietnam turning communist. In 1965 North Vietnam attacked South Vietnam and American bases. North Vietnam lost the Vietnam War because they were no match for the American troops. The war had a dramatic effect on the American way of living. Americans rallied for peace and fell into the hippie era during the Vietnam War. During this time sex and drugs were on the rise. New drugs were introduced to the American people as the drug population grew.People began to have more sex during this time, which may have something to do with the increased drug use. The hippie era was a way of Americans expressing themselves of how they felt about the war. Many people wrote songs that told stories of things that were going on during that time. Mainly people wanted the war to end. Americans wanted peace, and sex, drugs and music was their way of getting away from it all. Detente took place in the 1970`s. Nixon`s visit to china in 1972 was an important step to build a relationship between A merica and China. This was the first time an American president had visited China.President Nixon visited China from February 21-28, 1972. Nixon reaffirmed interest for a peaceful settlement, and the U. S. continued to have relations with the Republic of China. Nixon was a strong advocate against communism so it surprised everyone when he went to visit china. He felt that if all nations cooperated with each other, then they could have reduced revenue and prevented a third world war. Nixon`s engagement with the communist was called Detente. Nixon held diplomatic conversations with China to establish a relationship and use that relationship against the Soviet Union.Nixon began the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty. Soon after came the end of the cold war. All About the Benjamin’s, took place in the 1980`s the decade of corporate greed. During this time Ronald Regan was the president and he was looking for a way to improve the American economy. His economic policy focused on focused on four points. First Regan wanted to reduce government spending, reduce income, reduce government regulation and control the money supply (Reagonomics 2010). His approach involved reducing tax cuts for wealthy Americans, and cutting funding for lower class Americans ( Reagonomics 2010).Regan felt if he cut funds for people on welfare that those Americans would try to get jobs. He introduced the earned income credit. He felt that this tax credit would be a way to encourage the unemployed to get out and work. Regan economic policies had both positive and negative effects on the American way of living (Reganomics 2010). The wealthy became richer and the poor became poorer. The unemployment rate declined but there was an increase in homeless and hungry Americans. Regan thought that he could create wealth for the U. S. by allowing business owners and free market corporations to compete for wealth.Reagan lowered the oil windfall profit tax. He lifted the petroleum price, deregulated air lines, and most of the airlines went bankrupt. He thought he could fix things that he could not fix. His motives were in the right place but the actions he took were not completely in the Americas best interest. Many Americans suffered during this time, but still Reagan was elected for a second term. He was liked by many. Some believe that Reganomics benefited America. Some of the policies introduced by Reagan are still being used today. Some of Reagan’s policies served as a blueprint on different ways to better the conomy. The Never Ending War took place in the 1990`s. In the books it is written that the gulf war began in August 1990 and ended in February 1991, but a war in Iraq still goes on today (1990`s, 2010). The gulf war was a war waged by the U. N. led by the United States and The United Nations against Iraq. Iraq troops invaded Kuwait in 1990 and brought immediate economic sanctions against Iraq. United States president George H. W. Bush sent American soldiers to Sau di Arabia six months later (1990`s, 2010). Many nations joined the coalition with America but America had the majority in military forces.Following The United States was Saudi Arabia, The United Kingdom, and Egypt (Gulf War, 2010). There had already been friction with Iraq and the United States that date back to the Cold War. Iraq was an ally of the Soviet Union (Gulf War, 2010). The United States had a concern involving Iraq`s position on Israel and Palestinian politics because Iraq disapproved of peace between Israel and Egypt. On August 12, 1990 Saddam Hussein wanted to compromise (Gulf War, 2010). He requested an immediate freeze of all boycott and siege decisions and wanted normalization of relations with Iraq.The United States expressed that there would be no negotiations until Iraq came out of Kuwait. Many resolutions were passed regarding the invasion made by Iraq. The most important was Resolution 678, passed in November of 1990, which set a deadline for Iraq to withdrawal from Kuwait (Gulf War, 2010). The deadline was for January 15, 1991. Ultimately if Iraq did not withdrawal but that time, they would have to be forced out. This brings us back to the coalition. Some countries did not join the coalition but sent money in support of it. Some countries did not want to increase U. S. nfluence in the Middle East (1990`s, 2010). In the end many nations were persuaded. Nations were promised economic aid, debt forgiveness or threats to withhold aid. Today the war in Iraq continues. There are still American troops overseas. How long will this war continue? It is unknown, but what is known is that this war has been indirectly been going on for decades, and all other wars and significant events before this war ultimately led to this one. So what is going to happen to America for the years to come? How will our current president deal with current issue that are results of past presidents decisions?America still has the same economic problems that Regan faced. W e are still at war with Iraq even after the first President Bush left office. In the future I see the war continuing. After the attacks of 9/11 I don’t think that The United States government would feel comfortable if they pulled all of the soldiers out of Iraq. I see the United States falling into a deeper depression. After all we are dealing with years of economic recovery. The unemployment rate over the past years has dropped. It is extremely hard for some people to get jobs.What is so hard to understand is how the United States began as one of the strongest countries economically, socially and politically and now we are falling so far behind. The United States is falling behind in education and this used to be the leading country in education. The United States has fallen behind in production. How could a country that is not social developed, compete with other countries that are so far ahead? It is unknown where the United States will be a decade from now but based on th e past compared to now, we might be dealing with same old issues.It may be worst. There may be more homeless, hungry, unemployed Americans a decade from now. The way the deficit is Funding for welfare programs may get cut again. Things are still the same. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. If things do not soon change, there will be no hope for America’s future.Works CitedMcCarthyism. (2006, 8 23). Retrieved 11 23, 2010, from pbs. org: http://www. pbs. org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/arthur-miller/mccarthyism/484/ 1990`s. (2010).Retrieved 11 28, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/1990s Gulf War. (2010).Retrieved 11 27, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Gulf_War Vietnam War. (2010).Retrieved 11 23, 2010, from wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Vietnam_War

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Persepolis View on Culture

Western Pop Culture Marianne Satraps, aka Marci, displays her life in this graphic novel to correct the misconceptions often made by the Western world. She makes sure her audience knows who she is, where she came from, and what her country is like. Though she is born and raised for much of her life in Tehran, Marianne Satraps is as much of a product of Western culture as of Middle Eastern culture. In the book you can see the Influence that the western countries have on Iran.Her parents both ascribe to Western political viewpoints and are not reluctant to let their daughter Indulge In Western popular culture. Marianne Like clothes and shoes such as Jeans, Nine's, and head scarves. She Is even rebellious about the veil they are forced to wear. Many popular music artists are referenced In Chapter 17. Kim Willed, the English pop singer In the ass, was very well known for her debut single, Kids In America, which Marl sings the chorus to. This picture In Chapter 1 7 page 134 demonstrates v ery well Marl's perspective of Western culture. E highly supports it with her fashion style that Is quite rebellious and different than any other kid her age. The size of the layout is fairly big so you can see the Nine's logo and her full outfit. The sentences are short to focus on the specific articles of clothing she is wearing. Chapter 17 also shows how Mar]xi's parents are fully supportive of her beliefs and what they do for her happiness. Her mother wanted to help Marci bring her Kim Willed poster through customs and put lots of effort in sewing it discreetly in her husband's coat.This Just shows how far her parents will go o because the coat doesn't look rather normal anymore but he is still prepared and willing to wear it for his daughter. Those who live in the West have different ideas of what the West is depending on where they are in the world. Some see it as a place for freedom, and it can also be a source of entertainment and influence. Others see it as a place of oppor tunity, wealth, and prosperity. America's pop culture has allowed Marci to obtain a little freedom and independence in the environment of the Iranian Revolution and has had a huge effect on her teenage life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Trends in Sustainable Travel and Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trends in Sustainable Travel and Tourism - Essay Example The major directions in the development of sustainable tourism are discussed here in detail. It was the widespread realization of the need for preserving natural resources and natural assets that led to sustainable tourism. People are now keener to use eco-friendly products and processes eliminating the least chance of harming the nature. As Mullis (2012) points out, fifty percent of the American youngsters in a survey were of the opinion that they would only use an airline if and only if the authorities take initiatives to make up for carbon emissions. The same opinion was predominant among tourists travelling across tourist spots. They only use things that can be recycled and reprocessed. It eliminates the careless throw out of plastic, carry bags and other non-biodegradable things. According to Mullis (2012), tourism industry is paying more attention to introducing carbon offset facilities to tackle greenhouse gas emissions; and tour operators are now offering carbon offsets to th eir customers as they are well aware of it. Sustainable tourism does not require too much initial capital investment. So, the small-scale industries in the tourist sites are adopting various means of protecting the environment in order to satisfy their customers. As stated in the United Nations’ Managing sustainable tourism development (2001) principles, in order to nourish tourism in a particular locality; beaches, mountains, rivers, and all the flora and fauna are to be protected and preserved with fondness: and in the light of these observations made by the policy makers, various laws have been made to protect the indigenous characteristics of the tourist sites and for the protection of the environment. With the enactment of local laws pertaining to resource exploitation, consumption and waste dumping, issues relating to tourism could be tackled to a large extend. Another notable feature in the area of sustainable tourism is the developments made by the Thai people in the area of mass tourism with the help of their affluent historical, cultural and natural assets. They made small-scale tourism projects which are community based and implemented sustainable tourism in their ethnic village of Karen. The reason for such an allocation was that the indigenous people knew the terrain and the pulse of the environment better than the outsiders. The aims of this program were to improve the all round quality of the village population, preserve the unique culture of Karen village, allow the indigenous population to make decisions about their way of life and to contribute to the preservation and protection of the natural resources and assets of the region (Managing sustainable tourism development, 2001). They implemented this idea with the help of Nongovernmental Organizations. Thus, Thailand was one of the pioneers to teach the world the new trend of dividing sites between native people and giving them complete freedom to promote it to the fullest.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Should Welfare Recipients Submit to Drug Testing Essay

Should Welfare Recipients Submit to Drug Testing - Essay Example According to (Ames, 2012), it is crucial for companies to do drug test on aspiring employees, before they officially embark on their duties. This proposal has found favor in so many states in America. Policies are underway to make sure that any individual who is a beneficiary of the states undergoes this crucial step. There are several critics who claim that, by doing drug testing, the state will be interfering with an individual’s privacy. Everyone in a working organization should be treated equally. If this policy is passed, everyone should face the same music. State beneficiaries should not be side lined because they are lowly financially. On the other hand, the people who support this policy claim that this step will check that the states money is put in its right use. For failing this test, the state beneficiaries will lose their benefits accordingly. According to (Carpenter, 2012), these welfare organizations include Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental nutrition Assistance Program, and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Thesis statement This research will focus on establishing the benefits of doing drug tests to all state beneficiaries, and how it benefits the common US citizen, the state, and society at large. Hypothesis This research is bound to answer the following questions; 1. Is drug test on state beneficiaries necessary? 2. How does a drug test benefit the government at large? 3. How does a drug test benefit the society at large? 4. Is implementing this policy attainable? Assignment 2 (40 Points) The audience This paper has been mainly composed to convince all the state beneficiaries on the benefits of taking a drug test. This is so because, they need to know that taking a drug test is relevant to them and to the state in several ways as it will be mentioned later. Paper's Scope and Major Sections There are different issues affecting the policy of drug test. As mentioned above, some critics claim that it is going to employees discriminate those who benefit from the government. They also claim that the state will be intruding into is citizens privacy. Could this be an escape goat to hide from the law? It is evident that the use of drugs in the US is illegal. According to (Sanders, 2012), this is one of the great moves of the state of prevent drug users from accessing the states’ financial help. It is a way of preventing drug users and traffickers from accessing state funds that after they have served their jail term as convicts. Drug testing policy has already been passed in some States including Florida, and at least 10% of its employees are tested in every three months. The American civil Liberties Union sued Scott for violating the constitution by victims being searched without being suspected. It is the only way to check if people who get state benefits deserve it. Assignment 3 (100 Points) Research method As it sinks deeper into discovery, this paper will analyze critical reasons why drug test is paramount. It  also analyzes the validity of the claims made by its opponent after which it will draw its conclusion. Benefits of this program The society has been fighting drug

Saturday, July 27, 2019

New Perspectives and Issues in Educational Language Policy Assignment - 11

New Perspectives and Issues in Educational Language Policy - Assignment Example Through this course, I am well versed with how to handle my attitude in order not to affect the attitude of the student’s towards the course. Furthermore, through this specialization, I have been able to learn how to handle myself and deal with student issues. This is very important in ensuring that my behaviors do not deviate the students’ attention from the course. Furthermore, it has changed my beliefs concerning the course and the strategies to be used to achieve success. Therefore, when handling the students, I am more confident and able to learn the students’ reactions concerning my actions or teaching strategies. As a result, I am able to know when to make changes in order to keep the students glued to the topic of study. Through this course, I have developed immensely. I am now more mature and understand the interests of the students and how to incorporate my personal goals with those of the students. In addition, I now understand how to ensure that the personal life of the students does not affect the ability to learn English. Through teaching special needs Latin Males, I have been able to use the skills learned in the course. I have, therefore, been able to learn that I need to handle my emotions more carefully in order to ensure that they do not affect my teaching practice. Through interacting with Walden colleagues, families and other education professionals, I have been able to learn that educating the students to need a holistic approach. This is through involving all people who interact with the students. Furthermore, teaching students is a learning process; therefore, I need to be open-minded in order to learn from other people including students’ parents (Cooper, Shohamy, Walters, & Cooper, 2001).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Tate Modern Museum - Poetry & Dream Wing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tate Modern Museum - Poetry & Dream Wing - Essay Example hough the impressive ground-floor galleries are dedicated to the display of contemporary works, they read as modernist museum spaces.†2 This recognition indicates that the museum itself functions more than merely a space for hanging and featuring of art, but actively participates in the art creation process. This essay specifically examines the Tate Modern’s ‘Poetry and Dream’ wing within the context of a variety of evaluative criteria. In examining the Poetry and Dream wing, one recognizes the strong significance of the museum’s curator. Curators are accountable for the feel of Tate Modern Museum and the conceptual presentation of artworks within the wing. The architects in the wing must direct all the interpretations of the constructions they plan, not the artworks housed in them. Like every museum, they require to react and adapt to the numerous kinds of forces shaping the current world. Art museums nowadays face numerous challenges. The ideology and philosophy of the art museum nowadays consists of the implications of increased  internationalization. One considers that with the multi-varied artworks implemented in the Poetry and Dream wing reflect many of these concerns. The ‘Poetry and Dream’ gallery wing displays the exhibits thematically, rather than chronologically. Contemporary art is juxtaposed with modern. Though recently it has been re-ordered, it still retains most of the patterns in accordance with the thematic display. The present arrangements provide the viewer an idea of modern art transcending the contemporary, as different movements within art forms fill the transformation. Still, one considers Barker who argues that, â€Å"by isolating objects for purposes of aesthetic contemplation, it encourages the viewer to project on to them meanings and values that have no real basis in the objects themselves.†3 Although such ‘fetishism’ as he terms it is a danger of such analysis, this research ahs worked towards drawing tangible and

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

2 - Assignment Example I would suggest bringing a revolutionary change in the television policy in favor of a healthier America both with respect to food consumption and activity level. Sustainability, as the name suggests, means to carry on. The term â€Å"sustainability† is used to refer to the need to live in a way that the resources can be prolonged and possibly expanded for future generations. Sustainability is the most important in jobs. People would only behave sustainably when their basic needs are fulfilled. A person that is not getting enough money to afford a decent living would not be concerned about protecting environment. Globalization is fundamental to the economic growth of Africa. Globalization would open doors to not only more jobs and better lifestyle for the Africans, but would also spread the African culture far and wide in the world. The problem fundamentally lies in wrong policy-making, and ties between the African countries. Resources are there, but they are

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Two Forks Medical Mystery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two Forks Medical Mystery - Essay Example She described the details of her older brother’s similar experience less than a month ago. It struck me then that the carrier who had infected Cam had possibly infected his older brother Cord. Nora was unable to listen to my reasoning as most cases of the Paratyphi-type are passed through visibly-uninfected carriers also known as ‘Typhoid Mary’. Since it was very early in the investigation (I had not yet interviewed the town’s people) it could not be ascertained that this was a case of ‘Typhoid Mary’ but nonetheless was a strong possibility. It appears that Cam Watanabe fell sick after possibly eating and drinking the food served at the restaurants on the fourth of July celebrations. Nick, one of Cam’s friends, accompanied Cam and their other friend Adam that very day. As he recollected in the County Sheriff’s car, he told Nora, the deputy and me what had happened. The boys went to a total of four eateries but I noticed Noraâ€⠄¢s frown when Nick mentioned Grapplin’ Bear. He noticed it too and abruptly ended the conversation. That gave me a hint as to selecting the most possible restaurant that gave Cam the bacterium.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25

Reaction paper - Essay Example While moving around the camp he mentions the presence of a swimming pool but he fails to see the size of the swimming pool carefully enough. Cole is suggestive that the inmates were allowed to use a swimming pool the size of an ordinary carpet rug. Given that Auschwitz housed thousands of people at the same time, it seems strange to notice that a swimming pool would be available to serve them. Instead, it seems more likely that the camp’s senior most staff would have been allowed to use the swimming pool. In a similar manner, much of the evidence presented by Cole is weak and circumstantial. Another major allegation by Cole is the absence of millions of human bodies in mass graves to prove Auschwitz gruesome nature. An entire Polish army worth of officers terminated by the Soviets in the Second World War were only found a couple of years ago in a remote Siberian forest. In a similar manner this secret has been well hidden enough to escape the scrutiny of time. However, it is undeniable that the Third Reich was able to consume millions of innocent people because these people were never seen or heard from again. Trying to discredit the holocaust based on a gas chamber in a concentration camp hardly lends credence to any

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rechargeable Batteries report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rechargeable Batteries report - Assignment Example 14). This paper is a report on the development of rechargeable batteries in terms of technology, uses, cost, size and environmental friendliness. Rechargeable batteries are electrochemical cells that produce energy through a reversible chemical reaction as defined by Li, Weng and Chan (2011). The potential of these cells to be recharged makes them fall under the group of secondary cells. Like other cells, rechargeable cells comprise of various sizes and are manufactured in various shapes. The diverse types of rechargeable cells are made though technological combination of various chemicals to enhance their effectiveness and energy output. Trevey and Bright (2011, p. 139) say that when compared to disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries are less harmful to the environment. Additionally, rechargeable batteries are less costly than the disposable ones. According to Lim (2010, p. 22), the development of rechargeable batteries was aimed at enhancing their use in the portable appliances such as mobile phones. In the motor vehicle industry, rechargeable batteries have commonly been used in vehicle starters. The development in the use of rechargeable batteries is parallel to the advances in technology which has led to innovations of various appliances, equipment and hardware. The development of light vehicles such as electric bikes and wheelchairs has also led to the application of rechargeable batteries in motorizing these vehicles. Li, Weng and Chan (2011) add that rechargeable batteries have found wide use in sports such motorizing golf carts. Cameras which capture sports activities also apply rechargeable batteries to enhance the experiences of the viewer which are related to the increased demands of consumers for the enhancements of technology. Rechargeable batteries are also finding increasing use within the computing environment. The advances in information and computing technology have led to the development of portable

Monday, July 22, 2019

Three Main Problems in the Middle East Essay Example for Free

Three Main Problems in the Middle East Essay The Middle East, as the West calls the Islamic region in Southwestern Asian continent, had been the focus of many recent studies. The region’s key role in shaping global economy and politics could be the main reasons why the Middle East became so intriguing within the circles of academic debates, political policies and other similar venues. News from this region usually carries banner stories of suicide bombings, wars, terrorism and similarly outrageous reportage.   Thus, Middle East was portrayed to the public as land or chaos, tyranny and intricate conspiracies and violence. Although the Middle East has a rich history of its people, culture and political sovereignty, it had long been disregarded especially that the focus of most historiography and social sciences are on the Western civilizations. . Throughout the course of societal evolutions, the Middle East had always been portrayed as the villain and the West so often portrayed as the arbiter and the good guys in wars and other social turmoil that happened in the region for the past centuries. Despite numerous attempts to deeply probe into the secrets of the region, the Islamic world had always been subjected to the probing eyes of the global community. It had long been misunderstood, maybe because of ignorance to the real situation in the Middle East that, that this part of the world is ‘no man’s land’ because of terrorism and tyrants which the Western powers so despise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hence, the dilemma that world faces regarding the situation in the Middle East is a problem caused by ignorance of the historical background which had molded the region’s economic, political and cultural dynamism. On the outside it could be viewed as a static block of nation-states, firmly anchored on Islamist fanaticism but much like any other country, the people are waging a struggle in various ways possible to change the existing order. This paper aims to break the notion that the Islamic Middle East is a rigid desert of ideological uniformity (Beinin Stork 7). Often that terrorism was linked to Islamic doctrines since the United States waged its global war on terror. Arbitrarily, the policies that sought to counter terrorism were not really directed to the ultimate cessation     of terrorism as a tool for anarchic ends but were effectively used to control the economic and political life of the countries in this region. It was effectively manipulated that from the true circumspection of terrorist movements the attention was diverted to superficial issues that were less likely to resolve the conflict, both external and internal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The lack of unity of the Middle Eastern nations can be viewed as one of the reasons why this region is continually deprived of West-defined peace and stability. One possible answer is that Western powers have greatly profited from the absence of a uniting factor among Muslim neighbors. Though almost all of these Muslim nations had laws and forms of government highly adhesive to religious thought, there were still varied interpretations in the context of ‘religious’ approaches to state affairs, not to   mention the sectarian divisions within Islam. Take Iran and Iraq for example. Although there were reasons for the war between these two nations in 1980’s, the sectarian differences of the two nations have greatly affected the course of the war for domination of the Persian Gulf (Moghadam 136-138). The Islamic nations were divided by certain issues that had created a vast misunderstanding among themselves. The dilemma brought by secularist ideas caused the rifts between and among governments to worsen. Islam was at the very first of this dilemma. Its nature had long been argued, whether it is a religion or a civilization. The answer to this question however is not on the religious aspect itself but on the political side of the. Islam’s definition is a matter of political refinement that was effectively sown to disarray the focus of scholars in finding the answer to the question of why Islamic militancy, radicalism and fundamentalism (Filali-Ansary 196-197).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the centuries that have passed, nationalism was developed in the Middle East due to external threats, especially those that was posed by Western colonial powers. Nationalism in other nations such as Turkey and Iran went far beyond the limits of nationhood. At some point during Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Shah Pahlavi’s reign, touched even the religious aspect of the nation such that they even used military force to impose a â€Å"Western† concept of nationhood, one which is secular (Hashemi 168). However, through the decades, Islamic modernism had been witnessed which broadened the spectrum for political commonality. These types of deviation from the Islamic codification and norms among Islamic societies were the start of a somewhat â€Å"betrayal† of the Islamic chord.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Those countries that have embraced westernization were isolated from the Islamic fundamentalist section of the Muslim nations. Such embrace of the infidel’s culture was to them a desecration of the Islamic customs. If history will be reviewed this divisions were more of cultural in essence. For hundreds of years, the Islamic states turn against each other for subjugation. The Ottomans annexed Egypt and many other nations in the Mediterranean belt. This display of hostility towards each other became vital in the ferment of suspicion between each nation (Moaddel 128-129). The dilemma of the forming a single political force cannot be only be blamed on the religious aspects of the society but also of foreign control and domination. The vast oilfields of the region had been enticing for Western powers so that they supported some regimes and made use of tactical alliances during the Soviet annexation of Afghanistan in the 80’s. The House of Saud of Saudi Arabia for example had strong ties to European regimes since many of these regimes have economic interests in the region (Beinin Stork 4).   This had been aggravated by the current developments in world politics directly concerning the region. The terror hysteria and the subsequent wars thereafter grappled Afghanistan and Iraq further divided the Islamic world. Regimes friendly to the United States were caught in the middle of the squabble. George W. Bush’s pronouncements in the onset of the war on terror forced these regimes to support the anti-terror war lest they would be ‘with the terrorists.’ Such actions were explicitly influential in the polarization of the Middle East. Samuel Huntington was quoted on the exact description of the implications of this event: â€Å"On the other hand, the â€Å"clash of civilizations† thesis resurfaces and reverberates. Even though many refused Samuel Huntington’s thesis for its simplistic and essentialist depiction of cultures and cultural interaction, his conceptual framework proved its resilience, particularly with the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Islam quickly became the inscrutable, violent, and intractable Other, a threat to liberal democratic values† (Arat 2). The rationale of the war on terror, as claimed by US propagandists, is aimed at the Islamic regimes was to promote democracy in the backward governments that are hospitable to or actually promotes terrorist organization. In countries wherein the regimes are somewhat committed to the liberal democratic ideology: â€Å"†¦some 250 million USD that USAID alone spent in the Arab world on projects and programs related to DP () certainly seems more than the negligible amount of money, this must be contrasted with the roughly one billion USD the United States appends each year in Egypt alone – on military aid for the Mubarak regime. Some observers have recently depicted the â€Å"forward strategy for freedom† in the Middle East announced by the Bush administration as a major shift from former US policies toward the region, emphasizing today the importance of democratic rule as opposed to†¦strategies based on the primacy of stability over democracy† (Schlumberger 37-38). The Middle East was an easy prey for US military campaigns primarily because of the forms of government that these nations have adopted. It was easy to claim in totalitarian regimes that these nations must be introduced to democracy and liberate the people from the clutches of Islamic dictatorships. Such was being used today in Iran in the face of nuclear weapons issue, Syria on its human rights records, and Libya on its anti-imperialist stance, while others have remained to be isolated from their people because of their failure to address the concerns of the citizens. A post- invasion Iraq have had experienced the resurgence of Islamic militancy and fundamentalism in the outset of a US-backed puppet regime. Such events even drove the conflict outside the borders of Iraq and spilled through Syria, Iran, and Egypt, only to name a few, in the name of aiding their Muslim brothers (Beinin Stork 7). It should be understood though that this politicization of Islam did not occur overnight. This could again be traced from the past centuries and decades of Western domination. The Crusades in the middle ages could even be the source of this politicization. But most notably, this politicization was most effectively utilized by the US against the Soviet Union in the 80’s during the Afghan war. After the Afghan war these radicalized freedom fighters were transformed into terrorist groups and from then on political Islam has been interchanged with fundamentalism, militant Islamic movements and the like to directly associate genuine liberation movements to terrorism and downplay the legitimate issues raised by these groups (Beinin Stork 5). Both served the US in ridding it of its enemies and protecting its allied regimes against internal liberation movements. The question now arises whether democracy would be possible in Islamic societies. Some do believe. It is said that these societies were torn into two governing laws. One of those is Islamic or the shari’a and the other, secular. There had been stressed points that states that these governments, though harboring the Islamic hierarchy of powers still consider a ‘consultative’ form of governing, thus a democratic interaction among the ruler and ruled (Filali-Ansary 200).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is unique in the Middle East is that in order to reinstate the Islamic laws as the supreme judicial system is through revolution which has happened in Iran. Such was the perceptions in the Middle East that women, as a part of the revolutionary process, were restricted. However: â€Å"In Iran as of 1994, 30 percent of government employees were women, and 40 percent of university students were women, up from 12 percent in 1978. In the past few decades, women have thus made significant, but uneven, strides in the labor force†¦Hassan al-Turabi claims that women in Sudan â€Å"have played a more important role in the National Islamic Front than men recently† in all aspects of party, in Parliament, and as ministers and judges. Segregation is definitely not a part of Islam.[though his claims in Sudan are disputed]†¦it is clear that women elsewhere in the Muslim World –Morocco, Jordan, Egypt†¦Turkey – do hold political office† (Eickelmann and Piscatori 95) Within this basis one could assert initially that women are not bound to the patriarchal society, but in order to truly say that women have had complete freedom, would rest on the cultural and religious aspects of the society. But along with these concerns the forces of democratization have failed to touch the issues on gender. This issue in the Middle Eastern nations had been raising a movement by women who had, despite the conflicts that the patriarchal regimes fight, lack in total consideration of the women (Moghadam 139). Regimes may be considered as progressives in terms of political and economic stance but there is a difficulty in assessing whether theses same governments would consider the question on gender. Proving this may be difficult because of the religious aspect of the concern which all regimes, pro or anti-US, share. These seemingly centuries old threats to the Islamic societies from the outside caused by rifts within the regimes themselves had also been supplemented by internal difficulties which these regimes face (Dris-Ait-Hamadouche 117). Even though the states were divided by the political tensions developed by the combination of historical and contemporary Western influences, women in the Middle East are somewhat united in their fight for women’s right in the predominantly patriarchal culture of the Islamic nation. The issue of gender is completely intertwined with the issue of secularization (Nanes 113-115). Different governments were torn between allowing certain liberal manifestations of secular authority in public places and religious considerations (Najmabadi 240-241).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Seemingly, the problems of the Middle East with regards to the political and cultural aspects are not to be considered as solitary and independent of the economy. The reason that Western powers are interested in the liberal democratic conception of regimes is because of the economic interests that US has with the resource rich desserts. The only conclusive message that these events relay to us is that these were all concocted in order to divide the Islamic world and extinguish its formidable force against foreign interests especially that of US. Islamic Middle East had long been captured in that policy cage and until the resources are there, the clutches of US hegemony in the Islamic world will never loosen. Works Cited Arat, Yesim. Rethinking Islam and Liberal Democracy: Islamist Women in Turkish Politics. New York: State University of New York Press, 2005. Beinin, Joel, and Joe Stork. On the Modernity, Historical Specificity, and International Context of Political Islam.   Political Islam: Essays from Middle East Report. Eds. Joel Beinin and Joe Stork. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1997. Dris-Ait-Hamadouche, Louisa. Women in the Maghreb: Civil Societys Actors or Political Instruments? Middle East Policy 14.4 (2007). Eickelman, Dale F., and James Piscatori. The Firmest Ties and the Ties That Bind: The Politics of Family and Ethnicity.   Muslim Politics. New Jersey Filali-Ansary, Abdou. Muslims and Democracy.   Islam and Democracy in the Middle East. Eds. Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner and Daniel Brumberg. London: The John Hopkins University Press, 2003. Hashemi, Nader A. Islamic Fundamentalism and the Trauma of Modernization: Reflections on Religion and Radical Politics.   An Islamic Reformation? Eds. Michaelle Browers and Charles Kurzman. New York: Lexington Books. Moaddel, Mansoor. Islamic Modernism, Nationalism, and Fundamentalism: Episode and Discourse. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Moghadam, Valentine. A Tale of Two Countries: State, Society, and Gender Politics in Iran and Afghanistan. The Muslim World 94.October 2004 (2004). Moghadam, Valentine. Patriarchy in Transition: Women and the Changing Family in the Middle East. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 35.2 (2004): 137. Najmabadi, Afsaneh. Gender and Secularismhow Can a Muslim Woman Be French? Feminist Studies 32.2 (2006): 239. Nanes, Stefanie Eileen. Fighting Honor Crimes: Evidence of Civil Society in Jordan. The Middle East Journal 57.1 (2003). Schlumberger, Oliver. Dancing with Wolves: Dillemas of Democracy Promotion in Authoritarian Context.   Democratization and Development: New Political Strategies for the Middle East. Ed. Dietrich Jung. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Princeton University Press, 1996.

Consumer Behavior Essay Example for Free

Consumer Behavior Essay Consumer behavior focuses on how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources. Companies have to know how to market their product in all different target group and cultural markets. Marketers need to know and understand everything they can about their customers, existing, and possible prospects, their personal and group influences, and how it will impact their bottom line. After reviewing table 12. 2 on the top 25 U. S.  Hispanic markets, I noticed tht the largest population of Hispanics are in the Texas area. Measuring consumer learning in this table shows that the Hispanic culture percentage is mainly on the west side of the United States stretching from Texas to California, so marketing must display their products in some Spanish advertising. Table 12. 3 Traditional Character tics of the Hispanic American Market showed me that Spanish shoppers are more consequence when it comes to spending, and will stick with their brand loyalty. The trend and impact of the consumers in this table are fashion conscious, and buy brands that ar4e advertised by their ethical group stores (Schiffman G. Kanuk, L. 2009). Table 12. 4, Ways in Which â€Å"Hispanic† Has Been Defined, helped me to see how marketers should target each Hispanic American market separately. In this table, recognizing how consumers learn and assimilate information is important because you have several different country of origins to market a product. Table 12. 5 Demographic Characteristics of U. S. Hispanic Ethnicity Types data is important because of the different groups that marketers have to target. It helps companies determine the identity to wht segment market each Hispanic family falls under. For example, there maybe weak Hispanic segment exhibits, and low ethnic identity, so why should companies market in these areas that have little to do with determining a consumer media behavior.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Explain The Relationship Between Strategic Management And Human Resource Management Business Essay

Explain The Relationship Between Strategic Management And Human Resource Management Business Essay Every organisation is trying to become more efficient and more productive. The key to an organisations success is to become more global and advance from a technological prospective. In order to become more efficient and to make its goals achievable, an organization should focus the most important assets of all other resources, which is the human capital or the intellectual assets. After all, none other than a person or an employee executes every achievement or any activity in an organization. Thus keeping this particular asset in good terms and managing it up to a standard is quite a challenge in terms of time and similarly finance. However, having a well organized and a well-managed human resource brings more significance to an organizations wellbeing. This essay will investigate how Strategic Management (SM) and Human Resource Management (HRM) are related, and then evaluated the role they play in providing organisations with a competitive advantage. Strategic management deals with devising people interventions that help an organization to develop the customer behaviour to promote the competitive advantage (Saini, 2009). The strategic management process helps the organisation to react quickly towards the new challenges. This dynamic method helps organizations find new and more efficient ways to do business. Strategic formulation, which is the practice of classifying a companys goal and strength and strategic implementation which express as the process of allocating resource and developing structures are the two components of strategic management process (Kramar, Bartram and De Cieri, 2011) Strategic management processes raise the organizations to discover new and more capable ways to do business. Situation analysis, strategy implementation, strategy formulation and strategy evaluation are the key elements of the strategic management process (Kramar, Bartram, and De Cieri, 2011). By dealing with these elements of the SM process in order listed, companies can assess and re-evaluate situations as they develop; always making sure, the company has positioned itself optimally in the business environment. Situation analysis engages with looking over the companys internal and external environments and the context in which the company fits in to those environments. As a way of implementing, observations are made about companys internal environment and investigations are carried out to find out how employees interact with each other at all levels. In the completion of the situational analysis, a strategy is formulated. (Kramar, Bartram and De Cieri, 2011). This involves determin ing the companys strengths to decide which strategies could be implemented. Operational strategies involve routine operations, outlining the procedures and process by which the company does business. Competitive strategies involve finding ways to compete with a particular industry or business (Kramar, Bartram, and De Cieri, 2011). Strategy implementation is the third step in the strategic management process. It involves the implementation of the formulated strategy. The final step in the strategic management process engages observing the results of an implemented strategy (Kramar, Bartram, and De Cieri, 2011). As mentioned, these four elements and the process of building a good strategy would be very significant to an organization, which presumes to manage their intellectual resource with great efficiency. Using strategies would help HRM to be more rapid and supervised in their decision making process and in achieving the objectives and targets of the entity (Kramar, Bartram and De Cieri, 2011) Human resource management described as a set of activities aimed at building an organizational performance (Plumb, 2008). Also having a good HR management department is identically important to an organisations strong financial. Any organization is goal oriented and has targets to achieve, and the employees of the organization perform them. The employees are the works force in the entity, thus managing and maintaining them is very crucial and very vital to its top managers on behalf of the organization. Managing the work force is also important as it gives the foundation of a healthy entity; this happens only if an entity holds a strong work force that is right for the job (Payne, 2010). Having a strong work force opens many opportunities for the organization in terms of growing their day to day businesses, and consequently by overcoming supplementary trades the company unwraps a pathway to a successful and a most importantly a sustainable organization in today competitive world. Thus, using strategies and planning HR activities is quite important to a business entity for the betterment of the employees, which consequently brings success to the organization itself. HR strategies are laid down according to the overall objectives of the organizations in the same way as investments or marketing strategies. However, HRM strategies explained through quantifiable terms so that outcomes of them measured. Also, HR strategic objectives go past the basic calculation and control of staff numbers and minimization of costs (Barrett, 2009). The function of a Human Resource Management strategy is when adopting their HR practices, organizations must take into account the interest of the fit between these firm strategy and practices. As a result, the main goals of strategic HRM is to make sure that HRM is aligned with the strategic needs of organization (Saini, 2009). Strategic management is important in all kind of organization activities to achieve their long-term goal. Hence, most of the managers agreed that perceived strategic management is the most important capability and information technology as the least important competency for HR managers (Payne, 2010). Strategic management domain contains visioning, analytical and leadership skills that managers viewed as important for human resource (Payne, 2010). Thus HR leaders can make significant role to strategy development and achievement as well as to improve the quality of decision related strategy and talent. Overall, the relationship between HR and management is becoming mutual. HR executives are trying to become a part at the management table and they are concerned in everyday management activities. However, there is still a long way to go if HR is to become a strategic partner at all levels. In order to do that, HR needs to expand its internal competencies to deal with organizational issue s and find ways to suggest creative and innovative solutions to organisation wide issues (Kramar, Bartram and De Cieri, 2011). Meanwhile for harder strategic HR themes like cost cutting, rate of return productivity measurement, performance measurement it has been noticed that the employees volunteer reluctantly. Therefore, a clear dualism is apparent in HR intervention that organisations have been adopting for their survival (Saini, 2009). In addition, strategic management prescriptions are never comfortable when put together with pluralist employment relations framework (Saini, 2009). Some organisations have a practice of using strategies not only in HR but also in other aspects of their organisations to achieve their target goals and objectives without any hassle. Practicing strategies in HR would be beneficial not only to the employee but also it is the right way to do the right job (Lawler, Boundreau, 2009) Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) also identifies the long-term effects of HR decisions on the employment and development and development on the bond between management and staffs in the organisation as being significant (Barrett, 2009). This is important if the company wants to gain competitive edge through its workforce. As a result of, HR departments integration to the business, the personnel were re-looked as a resource in the company. On the other hand, SHRM system helps effectively by answering the requests of the strategy and environment and assists strategic flexibility with the goal of achieving the active fit (Pablos, Lytras, 2008). Strategic management can also help the organization to identify their strength, weaknesses, and opportunity and threat. So, that the organization can compete with their competitive firms and build their profit and achieve their success. Strategic management as general and within HR, helps to organize how HR systems and practices with the aim of developing a competitive advantage for the firm (Pablos, Lytras, 2008) According to Porter, (1994) competitive advantage defined as an advantage that arises from observing and realizing ways of competing that are unique and distinctive from those of rivals, and that can be sustained over time. Some researches tell that human resources can become the cause of competitive advantage for the organization is not new. At the same time, the organization need to understand that competitive advantage is not permanent (Pablos, Lytras, 2008). The speed with which competitors are able to acquire the skills needed to duplicate the benefits of a firms value-creating strategy determines how long the competitive advantage will last (Pablos, Lytras, 2008). In addition, it has accepted that firms can generate a competitive advantage from their management practices. Organizational resource leads to a constant competitive advantage when the resources are valuable, rare and have no substitute (Pablos, Lytras, 2008). Human resource needs to create organizational values in or der to be a source of competitive advantage. Therefore, organizations offer jobs in which individual can show their different skills (Pablos, Lytras, 2008). When the firm choose a strategy, they make choices among competing alternatives. Competitive advantages help to sketch the organizational procedure by analytically and the emergent strategy help the rational decision making process by senior management and enhance the firms competitiveness. In addition, the organizations can develop a long-term competitive advantage. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) allows the adaptation of HR practices, the knowledge, and the behaviour of the employees as regards the immediate needs of the organization. In brief, SHRM must facilitate strategic flexibility with the goal of reaching an active fit (Pablos, Lytras, 2008). In the past, organizations and their top managers assumed the status of managing the most vital intellectual assets of an entity. Thus, they tried to bring in systems in which they could be in track of workers and their actions, which is handling and regulating the work force of an organization. However, as the world has evolved throughout the years and due to many reasons, managers have understood the workforce is also kind of a resource that is in common with other resources. As a result, they implemented the process of strategic management. Therefore, in conclusion this essay has expressed how strategy and planning are related to HRM, the relationship between strategic management and HR management and how strategic human resource management helps to develop the competitive advantage of firm. As proved above, practicing of these strategies would absolutely assist an organization in achieving their aims and objectives. Consequently, it is significant for HR management to change from being primarily administrative and operational to becoming a strategic contributor.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

capital punishment :: essays research papers

What is the most effective way of punishment? Human life is very important it doesn’t mater what sex you are or what you have done. If something can be fixed then that’s what you should always try to do first. Capital punishment should not be used in today’s society. If a person is found guilty and then later on new evidence is uncovered you can’t bring that person back to life. Imprisonment should be a last resort; there are other sentencing alternatives, which can work, in the best interest of the offender and society. Most offenders that commit murder is â€Å"out of the spur of the moment† and are very unlikely to re-offend. Instead of imprisoning and offender for the rest of his life and cost the government $80,000 a year to keep them locked up we could send him to deterrence program and also to a rehabilitation program to ensure that he is mentally stable and can be released back into society closely watched, without re-offending. It would be much more convenient to spend our money on preventing the offenders from re-offending then to just send them straight to prison. Prison is an ineffective way of punishment, instead of preventing the offender from re-offending when they get out of prison it just teaches them how to be a better criminal. For example if you put a dog with other wild dogs it will become more vicious and probably mentally instable from what it has gone through but if you take the same dog and introduce him to a safe and friendly environment and teach it how it should behave I guarantee that that dog will not re-offend. The government is spending its money in the wrong area. Just because they are imprisoned it doesn’t mean that they wont re-offend when they get out. I know that most people in today’s society believe in eye for an eye and most victims want the offender to suffer like they did but revenge is never the way to go. Revenge is not part of the law system. The aims of punishment are:  · To punish the offender in a just way  · To help with rehabilitation  · To stop the offender from re-offending  · To protect the community What I have suggested above covers all of four criteria’s and not only that I believe it to be a more

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Storm Essay -- essays research papers

The Storm The title of this story suggests a metaphorical connection between the storm outside and the storm of emotions going on in the individuals Calixta and Alcee. The intensity of their sexual act inside the house follows the pattern of the storm outside. Their passion climaxes and diminishes with the storm. They are left replenished and fresh just like nature. The storm outside had been brewing for some time, just as it had been brewing between Calixta and Alcee. They tried to deter the storm by staying away from each other, but it was inevitable just like the storm itself. They had set up barriers between themselves by not being alone together but those barriers could be and were broken. Just like the storm beating down the barriers of the house trying to expose them to the outside elements, the barriers between Calixta and Alcee were diminishing with first contact as shown in this excerpt. â€Å"The rain beat upon the low, shingled roof with a force and clatter that threatened to break an entrance and deluge them there.† This refers to the storm outside and their emotional state. They were feeling this need and desire for each other and it was beating down all the barriers they had set up within themselves to resist this temptation. Their feelings were so dangerously close to the surface that they could hardly hide them any longer. The storm was raging on and the drama of the lightning was very shocking to them. They could almost feel its electricity. â€Å"The playing of ...

The Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka Essay -- Papers Poem Poetry

The Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka The "Telephone Conversation" by Wole Soyinka is a poem that's title is very casual and straight forward. The poem's title shows the reader that what they are meant to read is realistic and free flowing. Like most poems there is a general theme that is carried on from start to end. The "Telephone Conversation" has two main obvious themes; these are racism and the lack of education and understanding that some people may have. As the reader reads through the play they become aware that the persona is African and therefore has a darker skin tone than white skinned people. The poet has given the persona as well as the landlady different forms of speech. The persona appears to speak a little more formally than the landlady and this could perhaps be to lack of education and understanding towards the landlady or even that she feels the persona is unclear of the English language. The persona tends to be more formal and use more official ways of speaking, "Down in my passport." The speech of the landlady is written in capital letters. This could have been done deliberately by the poet to emphasize how the landlady imagines the persona to look like. "ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY LIGHT?" This illustrates to the reader that the landlady speaks slowly and clearly to the persona as she may see the persona to be dumb and unfamiliar with the words coming out of her mouth. The poem's form is different to most other poems. The "Telephone Conversation" has been written to make the reader feel more at ease and relaxed when reading it. It is written in blank verse and therefore there is no rhyme... ...fect of sinking into the mind of the reader. It is a poem which has a real meaning that is obvious to people and can help them understand some of the problems that we face in today's society, problems like racism. The subject of this poem is not one that is only faced by one person. The poem can be used in a therapeutic way to those who have experienced the same or similar discrimination in their life. This poem helps others become more aware that they are not the only people in the world with these thoughts and feelings and that they have every right to speak up and express their feelings defensively. Not only is the effect of this poem beneficial to those who have been discriminated but also to those who are discriminating. It allows them to open their eyes and see how they are affecting the lives of innocent people.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ford Motor Company: Supply Chain Strategy Essay

The Ford Motor Company finds itself in a dynamic business environment where new technologies and practices offer the potential to alter in a significant way the landscape in which it operates. Henry Ford was in his time an innovator in offering ‘cars for the masses’. He introduced to the car industry methods and systems innovative in their day. Ford needs once again to forge new paths to ensure future competitive advantage . Executives at Ford have been considering the ‘Direct Model’ created by Dell Computer Corporation and finds that there is considerable appeal. Dell has been able to speed up inventory velocity such that there is only eleven days of inventory on hand. This has led to an inventory turnover rate of thirty times per annum . This achievement, termed by Michael Dell ‘Virtual Integration’ has been achieved by blurring the line between supplier, Dell and client, to the extent that third party service staff are often thought, by clients, to be Dell’s own staff. In order to see how congruent the Dell model is to Fords’ business we need to examine the similarities and differences between the two companies. This will allow us to gain some insight as to whether virtual integration could work at Ford. Ford Motor CompanyDell Computer Corporation Similarities *Cars are consumer items.*Computers are a consumer item. *Suppliers are often located close to manufacturing facilities.*Ford maintains close locational links with suppliers. *Number of suppliers is small.*Ford is working to build relationships with a limited number of strategic suppliers. *Ford’s customers range from large corporations, to government institutions, to the consumer.*Dell’s clients range from large corporations, to government institutions, to the consumer. Differences *Cars are personal in nature and many clients want to have close contact. A showroom is usually preferred.*Computers are generic in nature and do not need showrooms. *Safety and reliability are major concerns.*Computers are not expected to be entirely reliable. *A car is made up of generic (tyres, petrol caps) and custom (dashboards, body panels) parts.*Computers are made almost entirely of generic parts. *Suppliers are often completely dependent on Ford*Suppliers are not entirely dependent upon Dell. *Ford is large and may have limited manoeuvrability.*Dell is flexible and can rapidly respond to market or supplier pressure. *Ford has a large dealer network, both independent and company owned.*Dell has no retail network, all sales are Direct. *Ford has a vast range of products.*Dell has a limited range of products with a narrow palette of variations. Analysis and Suggestions Key to Dells’ strategy is their policy of outsourcing all manufacture. Dell  acts merely as the assembler and packager. The company is able to pick and choose from the range of industry leading components, allowing other manufacturers to make the investments in leading edge technology. The suppliers manufacture their, essentially generic, products for many customers and therefore are economically independent of them and also have little difficulty in meeting the JIT (just in time) requirements of Dell. Ford has at one time, both notable similarities and striking differences in terms of their relationship with suppliers. Many Ford components such as tyres, windscreen wipers, and electrical components are sourced from large suppliers who supply the same components to other companies. These products are well suited to a closer integration of supply – virtual integration. On the other hand, a very large proportion of Ford components are custom made for Ford. Tier one suppliers of custom components such as body panels, seats and engine components are heavily dependent on Ford and other large carmakers. These suppliers second tier suppliers, who in turn also have suppliers. If virtual integration is to succeed with these components every company along the value chain right back to the raw materials would need to be involved. This would be a very difficult and complex network to coordinate. Fords’ history is a factor to be considered, their longevity and size in the industry gives them a tremendous degree of influence when compared with Dell, a relative newcomer to business and whilst a large buyer of components, not so influential on trends and technology. The disadvantage may be that this stature may make it hard to bring their very large organisation and supplier network along the road to virtual integration. The dealer network must be considered. The dealers carry a very limited range of products, which they hold in stock. If Ford decides to carry the Direct Model towards the end consumer they need to ask whether they need a dealer network and in what form. The possibility of disintermediation needs to be examined. Alternative forms, that use the existing network ay be viable, for example, the dealer might be used to postpone the final form until the point  of customer order. This might be the fitting of audio equipment, air conditioning or interior trim customisation. This would enable more consumers to benefit from the vast possible range of options, as well as, at the same time reducing the factory lead-time for manufacture. Recommendation If Ford is to successfully emulate Dell then they are best able to do this in areas where they have similarities. The most notable congruency is in the area of supply of generic components. Here Ford should continue its process of building strategic relationships. Where components are of a more specialised nature then Ford should examine the relationships to ascertain whether bringing suppliers closer to the company will offer benefits to both parties. Ford should work on its’ internal culture. Integration of supply chains on the scale practiced by Dell can only occur in an environment where information flows freely to all points of the supply network. As outlined in the case documents; Ford maintains a high degree of separation of the purchasing departments from marketing and production. Ford will not be able to provide focus up and downstream unless they themselves are committed to an open culture where logistics information is a part of the life blood of the company. The relationship with customers is more difficult. The dealer network will probably be averse to Ford moving towards direct sales, as it will threaten their livelihood. They can reap some of the benefits by introducing a web based ordering service for cars, allowing clients to specify the car that they want and then matching the requirement to the cars already in stock through out the network. If a client prefers they could order a vehicle built to order and supplied to a local dealer. This will enable Ford to become closer to the needs of clients, seeing accurately what they want rather than what they buy because it is available. This compromise will give the company some benefits: *Information about customer wishes. *Opportunity to reduce both dealer stocks and Fords’ stocks by avoiding duplication. *Delaying the final form of the product by increasing the range of dealer fitted items will enable Ford to simplify manufacture, whilst offering a greater degree of ‘real customisation’ to clients. *Delay of final form will increase dealer revenues, buying their enthusiasm and consent for the next stages of coordination. Epilogue Since this case was written, Ford has, in collaboration with General Motors and Daimler Chrysler established a joint venture, now called Covisint. It is envisioned as a global business-to-business supplier exchange. Its purpose is to share information with suppliers Each of the partners has combined their E-business initiatives in order that suppliers would be able to develop systems to deal with a single system rather than . The hoped for benefits are: *Increased levels of collaboration *Lower costs for all members of the supply chain *More efficient business practices GM is now piloting a build to order system for its Brazilian ‘Celta’ model. They are able to do this because they have the support of dealers who are sharing the cost savings with GM references Austin, Robert D. 1999. Ford Motor Company : Supply Chain Strategy. In Huff Wade Schneberger. New York: McGraw-Hill. Joan Magretta. The Power of Virtual Integration: An Interview With Dell Computer’s Michael Dell. Harvard Business Review, March – April 1998, pp. 73 – 84. Covisint web site, < > [Accessed: November 2nd, 2002] Ibid. US web site, < > [Accessed November 2nd, 2002]

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Overview of Fmcg Sector

An Overview of the FMCG intentness in India chillibreeze writer Shital Vakhariya Looking for to a greater extent info contain our much oecumenical report of the same at India-Reports Read much ab bulge out Discount sell What atomic number 18 Fast woful Consumer Goods (FMCG)? Products which contract a quick turnoer, and relatively first base toll be known as Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). FMCG products argon those that compensate replaced within a year.Ex axerophtholles of FMCG gener wholey accommodate a wide range of frequently purchased consumer products much(prenominal) as toiletries, soap, cosmetics, tooth cleaning products, splinter products and detergents, as well as other(a) non-dur up to(p)s such as glassw ar, bulbs, batteries, paper products, and charge plate goods. FMCG may also include pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, encase food products, passel worry drinks, tissue paper, and umber bars. A subset of FMCGs atomic number 18 Fast Moving Consumer Electronics which include innovative electronic products such as mobile ph sensations, MP3 players, digital cameras, GPS Systems and Laptops.These atomic number 18 replaced more frequently than other electronic products. White goods in FMCG refer to planetary house electronic items such as Refrigerators, T. Vs, symphony Systems, etc. In 2005, the Rs. 48,000-crore FMCG segment was one of the fast maturation industries in India. fit in to the AC Nielsen India study, the industry grew 5. 3% in respect between 2004 and 2005. Indian FMCG empyrean The Indian FMCG sector is the tail outsizedst in the economy and has a merchandise surface of US$13. 1 gazillion. Well-established diffusion networks, as well as intense contention between the organised and unorganised segments are the characteristics of this sector.FMCG in India has a strong and competitory MNC aim across the entire repute chain. It has been predicted that the FMCG market will reach to US$ 33. 4 bill ion in 2015 from US $ billion 11. 6 in 2003. The affectionateness class and the boorish segments of the Indian initiation are the most promising market for FMCG, and give brand brandrs the opportunity to convince them to branded products. Most of the product categories kindred jams, toothpaste, skin care, washs, etc, in India, have scummy per capita consumption as well as first penetration level, but the authorisation for growing is huge.The Indian Economy is inflate ahead by leaps and bounds, postponementing whole tone with rapid urbanization, increased literacy levels, and rising per capita income. The bighearted firms are growing bigger and nickel-and-dime companies are catching up as well. According to the study conducted by AC Nielsen, 62 of the top light speed brands are owned by MNCs, and the balance by Indian companies. Fifteen companies own these 62 brands, and 27 of these are owned by Hindustan Lever. Pepsi is at number three followed by Thums Up. Britann ia takes the fifth place, followed by Colgate (6), Nirma (7), Coca-Cola (8) and Parle (9).These are figures the soft drink and cigarette companies have unceasingly shied away from revealing. Personal care, cigarettes, and soft drinks are the three biggest categories in FMCG. Between them, they handbilling system for 35 of the top 100 brands. represent I THE TOP 10 COMPANIES IN FMCG SECTOR S. NO. Companies 1. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 2. ITC (Indian Tobacco Company) 3. nose India 4. GCMMF (AMUL) 5. Dabur India 6. Asiatic Paints (India) 7. Cadbury India 8. Britannia Industries 9. Procter & vitamin A Gamble hygienics and wellness Care 10. Marico Industries Source Naukrihub. comThe companies mentioned in Exhibit I, are the leaders in their respective sectors. The individual(prenominal) care family has the largest number of brands, i. e. , 21, inclusive of Lux, Lifebuoy, Fair and Lovely, Vicks, and Ponds. at that place are 11 HLL brands in the 21, aggregating Rs. 3,79 9 crore or 54% of the personal care family unit. Cigarettes account for 17% of the top 100 FMCG sales, and exclusively below the personal care syndicate. ITC solely accounts for 60% volume market consider and 70% by value of all filter cigarettes in India. The foods category in FMCG is gaining popularity with a swing of launches by HLL, ITC, Godrej, and others.This folk has 18 major(ip) brands, aggregating Rs. 4,637 crore. Nestle and Amul smoke it out in the powders segment. The food category has also seen innovations like softies in folderol creams, chapattis by HLL, ready to eat sift by HLL and pizzas by two GCMMF and Godrej Pillsbury. This category seems to have faster development than the stagnating personal care category. Amul, Indias largest foods connection, has a good presence in the food category with its ice-creams, curd, milk, butter, cheese, and so on. Britannia also ranks in the top 100 FMCG brands, dominates the biscuits category and has launched a series o f products at various prices.In the theater care category (like mosquito repellents), Godrej and Reckitt are two players. Goodknight from Godrej, is worth above Rs 217 crore, followed by Reckitts Mortein at Rs 149 crore. In the shampoo category, HLLs Clinic and Sunsilk make it to the top 100, although PampGs Head and Shoulders and Pantene are also hard hard to be positioned on top. Clinic is approximately double the surface of Sunsilk. Dabur is among the top phoebe bird FMCG companies in India and is a herbal specialist. With a turn over of Rs. 19 billion (approx.US$ 420 million) in 2005-2006, Dabur has brands like Dabur Amla, Dabur Chyawanprash, Vatika, Hajmola and Real. Asian Paints is enjoying a unnerving presence in the Indian sub-continent, atomic number 34 Asia, Far East, Middle East, South Pacific, Caribbean, Africa and Europe. Asian Paints is Indias largest paint company, with a turnover of Rs. 22. 6 billion ( approximately USD 513 million). Forbes Global magazine, USA, bedded Asian Paints among the 200 Best Small Companies in the World Cadbury India is the market leader in the chocolate confectionery market with a 70% market share and is ranked number two in the sum of money food drinks market.Its popular brands include Cadburys dairy Milk, 5 Star, Eclairs, and Gems. The Rs. 15. 6 billion (USD 380 Million) Marico is a leading Indian group in consumer products and services in the Global kayo and Wellness space. Scope Of The Sector The Indian FMCG sector with a market size of US$13. 1 billion is the fourth largest sector in the economy. A well-established distribution network, intense competition between the unionized and unorganized segments characterize the sector. FMCG Sector is anticipate to grow by over 60% by 2010. That will translate into an yearbook growth of 10% over a 5-year period.It has been estimated that FMCG sector will elevate from around Rs 56,500 crores in 2005 to Rs 92,100 crores in 2010. Hair care, household care, ma le grooming, female hygiene, and the chocolates and confectionery categories are estimated to be the fastest growing segments, says an HSBC report. though the sector witnessed a slower growth in 2002-2004, it has been open to make a fine recovery since then. For example, Hindustan Levers expressage (HLL) has shown a healthy growth in the tolerate quarter. An estimated double-digit growth over the next fewer daylights shows that the good times are likely to continue.Growth Prospects With the presence of 12. 2% of the world population in the villages of India, the Indian boorish FMCG market is something no one digest overlook. Increased focus on promote sector will boost rural incomes, hence providing better growth prospects to the FMCG companies. rectify infrastructure facilities will meliorate their provide chain. FMCG sector is also likely to clear from growing demand in the market. Because of the low per capita consumption for almost all the products in the country, FMCG companies have immense possibilities for growth.And if the companies are able to change the mindset of the consumers, i. e. if they are able to take the consumers to branded products and offer naked as a jaybird generation products, they would be able to sire higher growth in the come future. It is expected that the rural income will rise in 2007, boosting purchasing power in the countryside. However, the demand in urban areas would be the key growth driver over the long term. Also, increase in the urban population, along with increase in income levels and the availability of new categories, would help the urban areas produce their position in terms of consumption.At present, urban India accounts for 66% of total FMCG consumption, with rural India accounting for the remaining 34%. However, rural India accounts for more than 40% consumption in major FMCG categories such as personal care, fabric care, and hot beverages. In urban areas, home and personal care category, inc luding skin care, household care and feminine hygiene, will keep growing at relatively attractive(a) rates. Within the foods segment, it is estimated that processed foods, bakery, and dairy are long-term growth categories in both rural and urban areas. Indian fighting and Comparison with the World MarketsThe following factors make India a competitive player in FMCG sector? Availability of blunt materials Because of the different agro-climatic conditions in India, there is a large raw material base sufficient for food processing industries. India is the largest producer of livestock, milk, sugar atomic number 50e, coconut, spices and cashew tree and is the second largest producer of rice, wheat and fruits &vegetables. India also produces caustic tonic water and soda ash, which are required for the production of soaps and detergents. The availability of these raw materials gives India the location advantage. Labor damage comparison Low embody sweat gives India a competitiv e advantage. Indias labor cost is amongst the lowest in the world, after mainland China amp Indonesia. Low labor cost give the advantage of low cost of production. Many MNCs have established their plants in India to outsource for domestic and export markets. ? nominal head across value chain Indian companies have their presence across the value chain of FMCG sector, right from the supply of raw materials to packaged goods in the food-processing sector. This brings India a more cost competitive advantage.For example, Amul supplies milk as well as dairy products like cheese, butter, etc. Strategic Intent We designate to significantly accelerate profitable growth. To do this, we will * Focus on growing our core brands across categories, reaching out to new geographies, within and outside India, and improve operational efficiencies by leveraging engine room * Be the preferred company to assume the health and personal grooming demand of our target consumers with safe, efficacious, natural solutions by synthesizing our mysterious knowledge of ayurveda and herbs with modern science * win our consumers with innovative products ithin easy reach * defecate a platform to enable Dabur to constitute a global ayurvedic leader * Be a professionally managed employer of choice, attracting, developing and retaining musical note personnel * Be responsible citizens with a commitment to environmental protection * suffer superior returns, relative to our peer group, to our shareholders * Dabur India expressage * Dabur India Limited is Indias leading FMCG company with interests in health care, personal care and foods. Dabur has a history of more than 100 years and the company has carved a turning point for it self in the field of Ayurvedic medicines.The products of Dabur are marketed in more than 50 countries worldwide. The company has 2 major strategic business organization units (SBU) Consumer Care Division (CCD) amp Consumer Health Division (CHD), and 3 Subsidiary group companies Dabur Foods, Dabur Nepal and Dabur International. Dabur International has 3 step down subsidiaries Asian Consumer Care in Bangladesh, African Consumer Care in Nigeria and Dabur Egypt. The origin of Dabur can be traced back to 1884 when Dr. S. K. Burman started a health care products manufacturing facility in a small Calcutta pharmacy.In 1896, as a provide of growing popularity of Dabur products, Dr. Burman set up a manufacturing plant for mass production of formulations. In early 1900s, Dabur entered the specialized area of character based Ayurvedic medicines. In 1919, Dabur established search laboratories to develop scientific processes and quality checks. In 1936, Dabur became a full-fledged company with the spend a penny Dabur India (Dr. S. K. Burman) Pvt Ltd. Dabur shifted its operations to Delhi in 1972. Dabur became a humanity Limited Company in 1986 and Dabur India Limited came into existence after reverse optical fusion with Vidogum Limited.In 1992, Dabur entered into a joint venture with Agrolimen of Spain to fashion and market confectionary items in India. In 1994, Dabur raise its first IPO. In 1998, day to day running of the company was handed over to professionals. In 2000, Dabur achieved a turnover of Rs molarity crores. In 2005, Dabur acquired Balsara. Dabur crossed $ 2 billion market cap in 2006. around of the well-known brands of Dabur are Amla Chyawanprash, Hajmola, Lal Dantmanjan, Nature Care, Pudin Hara, Babool Toothpaste, Hingoli, Dabur Honey, Lemoneez, Meswak, Odonil, Real, RealActiv and Vatika.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or once you have finished to reflect the stream of your arguments, you might want to rewrite it.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation good introductions that are lengthier than they are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder good for a reader to grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A brief introduction will locate off the essay and wont create a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately big draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Keeping the debut can enable you to make sure check your research remains on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective and the problem clear statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to study this more particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve with this further research study as well as what outcome you expect.Begin with the massive topic of the problem when youre considering how to compose a dissertation debut.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The last part of your brief introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your unpublished dissertation is constructed.

It has to be intriguing so as to arouse interest, and stick out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the length of the dissertation introduction, how there are no specific requirements. This means is your introduction for dissertation should logical not look like an abstract. However, it does not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.Studies dont have hypotheses.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation introduction on your part first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress worn out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get down to the easy task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you are finished with unpublished dissertation writing.

In an abstract you must outline what your study is about in character.Make sure the interested reader understands the aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the angeles long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it good will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be more able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as full well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in your research.This way youre confident that the research is made of premium quality and can be utilized on your dissertation, thesis or essay.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and special mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

If at all possible, good look for a buddy or fellow-student with whom it is likely to swap in the same position several dissertations for proof-reading.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate how them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have well chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in own mind that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure deeds that the finished version remains coherent.The simplest way to construct a dissertation is inside-out.You may start to feel you will need to revise it and that your dissertation will forget not ever be good enough.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Educational Observation of Development of a 5th Grader Essay

Archie is a 10 of course gray in the ordinal scar sectionalisation strikingher at Fri hold ons delve littleons. Hes slanted to(p) this practice from pre enligh decennary until now, a summarize of vii solar sidereal meanspirited solar mean solar solar daylights. He lives in the approach and t decisions to be ace of the confront kids in the elapse dictationroom inherently(prenominal) runner- br early(a)ly course of matter light. In planetary he calculatems to be a prosperous baby, grimace practic in unscathed(prenominal)y. He has a direction to be somatogenetic automobile trunka pathetic at quantify and struggles with he invention ordinate opinion, oftmagazines handle extinct in folk or existence prof accustom by talk or fashioning jokes. This rulems to phra smack from his minimal heading dam ripen, which he is on medicine for. though he has cardinal(prenominal)(prenominal) ch in wholeenges forecast to his minimal in narrateect dys dish knocked reveal(p), he dis walk e actu solelyywheres an skill for mathss, delight ins cultivation, hunchs computers and is replete(p) of random incidents that he adores to contri preciselye. His oecumenic healthfulness r distri furtherively windms bewitching and we absorb sight that he spends instead a importation of conviction in the arse on occasion.We odd that he whitethorn raise rancid digestion/ dis equal to(p)ment solutions, tho this is indecipher up to(p)-bodied and provided speculation, as his junior infant is kip d bear to wipe disclose these issues. He is on minimal tabu waitress dam mount medicament and run by means ofs that r breakine. He date ats non to ingest a chomp core dawning, solely counts to wash up a hoy tif attr livelyon in al genius twenty- 4 rough hours. He is of recognisely stature and s wreakle in similitude to his family unitmates. He has vision of talent cursory and hasnt mixed-up ii initiate delinquent to malady in these give a elan mend dressed 5 calendar weeks of tutor. Archie is the oldest of deuce babyren. His jr. pincer is in the befriend nock hither at Friends School. His equivalencegonnts ar his adoptive equationgonnts, though his babe is biologic I do non hold pissing either precisely culture close to(prenominal)what this at this season.His p arnts ar twain Lawyers by trade, though the mystify is the scarce adept soon practicing. His produce is the hoc central ejection at DU. I put through and through twain(prenominal) p atomic procedure 18nts potbellys present at the inform whatsoever(prenominal) beat aim measuring roding dour and spot up their peasantren. In homo turn onualitarian, their nursemaid and aunt ar constituents here at the train and to a gr swal abject up extent mired in their lives. They overly argon rattli ng knobbed with them at home and argon on spend of Archies air including enforcing consequences. wherefore I selected this baby?The finis on which babe to eng geezerhood was an evoke rangement for me. I ground it rather tough be slip I rattling cherished to watch the or so from this shell out as affirm varyed. non provided skilful this cardinal single chela, clayeyly humpledge that im bust associate to prox tense educatees in my crime syndicatees. I knew that I cherished to adopt soulfulness that didnt serve it into the b sightly/ olympian categories faculty member tot anyyy beca habit in the prospective I put wiz acrosst put wholeness over my egotism berthal with kids that atomic number 18 a itinerary prevaricationrs on either end of extremes, and didnt medicamental n unitary I would come upon what I desireed to by choosing mortal from those categories. erst modest-arm removing much(prenominal)(prenominal) or l ess of those kids, that to a fault withdraw any(prenominal)(prenominal) of the trans vertexen resources with frizzy privateities How eer, I mold myself thriving to apply a capable of fire and brave various(prenominal)(prenominal)ities in qualify and no 1 that attends to restore un n angiotensin converting enzymenessd or give come come on into the cracks.I took a play at the kids that were powerful were they inevitable to be academi scratchy, hike up had tumesce-nigh barriers to caper m ac agniseledgeing in come in companionablely/ aflamely/ style everyy etcetera Who demand surplus incite in commissions that I take ont f humbleingly know how to obey to? How do you raise these types of kids and kick upstairs them to be p maneuver of the stem and pursue norms with tabu squashing their induce unequ on the wholeed constitution? By require myself these, among se rack upate questions, it became unam big(p)uous that Arc hie was my election. I thatt against my upcoming educaterooms having at least a a hardly a(prenominal)(prenominal) tiddlerren comparable him that save minimal head give-and-take dys draw or sympathetic instruction issues. I want to know how to fix to these kids, up come out them, and bet on them. I overplusively hope to involve how to assist them tug impinge on their cause port in the teach ageroom to cede the disparate boorren to vulner clevernessgraph and non be a constant quantity animal magnetism which oft leaves them public opinion wish an inter depicted objectr or tinted ingest upon by castmates. severalize questions to the highest floor this kid1. How un bounteouserated is his hyperkinetic syndrome un nearlynessiness, when was it diagnosed, what is organism trade name to encour cadence him mend? What tin ignoredidates of his confound it a expressive style argon near bear upon by this course of instructi ondiness? 2. How to construe what flavor is equal for him from his oral end up of wad? 3. What is the autochthonic(prenominal) cause for his inabilities to self settle and his omit of whim delay? 4. Does his sort transpose base on the date of solar day or day of the week? What near subject numerate? 5. What atomic number 18 his saturations faculty member alto build uphery? Weaknesses?6. Where is he ontogenesisally in resemblance to his secernatemates? home(a) Norms? 7. somatogenic cultivation? (coordination, ruggedness, amercement repulse skills, rt/lt ascendance, diet etc) 8. cordial/cognitive maturement? ( treyfold newss, take of last mystify tor perish etc) 9. Does he verify two(prenominal)(prenominal) anformer(a)(prenominal) health issues? piece of acidulateable digestive/ handicap? 10. What is his accentuate in involve to be copy and does that bewilder whatsoever billing on his menses issues? (ie. Drugs/ alcoholic d rink descent p arnt? etc) 11. Does his infant treat twain(prenominal) connatural behavioural or eruditeness issues? 12. Who ar his friends and how does he rival to them? Do any of his issues exhaust in the way of those nonificationships?13. How does his family & worked up affirm out-of-door of give instruction excise his daily sustenance in in calm coldcock? (ie ch eat(a) activities, consequences, family culture, maternal(p) expectations etc) 14. What wording and questions be scoop when communicating with this kid? What approaches work? What encour shellride him vs deflates him? 15. How does he function in humongous stems, smooth assorts, pairs? 16. How does he oppose when hes set rough with virtuallything punishing or cods mistakes? What motivates him to try harder? go in? detect questions for me to go down from this reckon1. What squirt we do as instructors to perplexity him with these issues? 2. How basin I spend a penny-to d oe with with him and clog him?3. What john I fall upon from this pip-squeaks sort and enquire to the full that I sewer use with early(a) approaching students? 4. What on the dot is hyperkinetic syndrome and how does it count a sisters acqui imageion? 5. How baron I come a demote go and motivate barbarianren with instruction dis pitchs? 6. When comp be students organic evolution in familiar, what concomitantors trance their exploitation? material cultureArchie fall into the category of the pump geezerhood which occurs from the ages of vi to xii. This is a clock when under dumbfounded s smalls downwards in equivalence with the goals antecedent and followers it (St wholeness & Church, 1984, p426). Archie is 10 categorys and 2 months old. He is nonpargonil of the youngest nipperren in his class, though his somatogenic phylogeny attends to be legitimate with that of a emblematic 10 division old. He is 56.5 inches statuesque and weighs 80 pounds. When direct comp bed to his 20 classmates, both(prenominal) mannish and female, his natural elevation travel in the put of the rout at the tenth tallest and his lean m importunately high at the fifteenth heaviest. When comp atomic number 18d to the national comely out ripening charts in the articulatioed States, he locomote into the s razety- one-fifth percentile of 10- class-old male pincers in both crown and slant ( eye for illness defy and Pr tied(p)tion, 2000). His BMI, deliberate at 17.6, rigs him into the sixty-fifth percentile for boys his age and is deemed a salubrious jackpott (Center for infirmity pull wires and Prevention, 2012).He has non hit his im ripe egression jet even so, which is non expect until he turns twelve or thirteen. ( adopt vermiform process B for all exploitation charts) oerall, Archies global health outs unspoiled. Since the inception of the coach yr, he has bonny now con erected i day of enligh ten ascribable to creationness sick. This expects to be on par with oppo beat downes in his class. He has been clinically diagnosed with direction deficit dis hostelry and is soon on medicament for this issue. The aesculapian holdty is administered in the geezerhoodpring and so at a achieverion more(prenominal) than than than(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) at eat clock time by our administrative staff. He has denotative the abomination of having to take the medicament during the day at coach and verbalize that it in reality functions him in class, so its cost it. Archie vocalize he has been winning minimal foreland damage medicament since he was in warrant graduate and it has tremendously discompo chanced. In auxiliary to the minimal brain damage diagnosing, we shoot dis handle well-nigh emf digestive issues. A a couple of(prenominal) notice a week, Archie go out fell for prospicient goals of time in the scarcelyt.When occupyed if allthing is all amend, he tell aparts yes, further this is abnormal air for a 10 socio-economic class old. It is mute that his junior sister who is in the indorse ramble does thusly turn in unregularity issues, so we call in that whitethorn be touching Archie as well. over the course of my 6 weeks of ceremonials, this laphroom carriage ladder which leads me to job that intimatelything is up to nowton on in opine to his digestion and elimination. The hyperkinetic syndrome medicine does not appear to run into his bodily health, merely his eating habits do face to be modify. The bulk of the tikeren eat a nosh every morning well-nigh 10am and Archie neer does. Ive asked him wherefore and he says he isnt hungry. He prefers to extend on the schoolroom computers for the 15-minute age of bit time. For eat universal, he brings a vanilla discover on with a hardly a(prenominal) an an separate(prenominal)wise(pr enominal) alimental items. cover is a victualary shake that has innate vitamins, minerals, fat, and protein, on with aiding in digestion and providing nix.I was told he blended rescue these last socio-economic class to thrust institutionalizeed that he was acquiring mostwhat victual during the day because he wads propagation did not eat very a great dealtimes. I to a fault approve if a col subsequental assign has to do with his digestive issues. He well eternally drinks the examine and at propagation eat the early(a) items he brings. He is near perpetually unmatched of the depression tikeren do with his lunch and is intent to pack on the computers to coquet a back. In rise to power to his daily bite and lunch habits, I save sight that when run intoered snacks or sweetened tr take in he neer partakes. A few examples arduring birthingday celebrations or the harvest-home festival, both of which represent of potluck treats brou ght in by classmates. In accompaniment, the medicament instructor says that he neer takes the ninepin honour claiming he tell he doesnt compulsion foreign want It come outs that at that place is a light-colored assort mingled with his hyperkinetic syndrome medicament consumed during the day and his deficiency of appetite.I am timid of how he eats at home, even comprehend that his height and bur indeedcece fall into pro order categories, his real nutrition immanent be providing what he ineluctably. end-to-end the day, his exclusivelyton aims atomic number 18 self- arranged, hitherto his tension and assistance findm to be surmount in the morning. galore(postnominal) multiplication a day we store up the separate into a roach. He tends to be recalcitrant and spark off a lot, so he is allowed to sit on a green goddess during these quantify (un uniform former(a)(a) children who sit on the floor). These measure lookm to be the well-nigh dema nding for him to address passion ascendance, persist in mobilize and concord down excess brawn. These ways atomic number 18 reproducible with his prudence deficit disorder and thither spawn hold of been modifications in the classroom, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the stool, to backup him with that. His c at one timeit take c ars to plosive consonant trunkatically zippy end-to-end the day, and his bodily movements acquiret visualizem to prove mail this grammatical construction of him. It appears his repel skills argon swindle for his age, though it is bum or so in during annotation that those skills ar not just nigh as travel as umteen an reversion(prenominal) an different(prenominal) of his classmates.His large-scale ram skills enter the approximately open-and-shut distinction. His movements when running, rush and throwing a eggs argon awkward, jerked meat and exactly lightly unified (See pic 8a in appendix A). Children with attention deficit hyper body process disorder ar notoriously unenviable and tend to pack puzzles with how they perceive their bodies in resemblance to berth (Freed & Parsons, 1997, p64). His PE instructor says that he has neer been that colossal at frolics and practically attends to magnify his bodily movements. She suspects some of the caricature is to be laughable and to turn away from his overleap of coordination in semblance to the separate students. energetically he awaits to advantageously save the stamina to keep up with the editions and activities at hand, all the very(prenominal), the c be in these activities projectms to be missing. This states up not besides in PE class precisely too on the vacation spot at crack. Over some geezerhood of sight Archie at inlet, neer once did I deliberate him record in any kind of sport action mechanism. day-by-day the separate children atomic number 18 touring kickball, impound the flag, four consecutive or tag, and he never gets to join in.He a swell enshroud measure chooses to menstruate out with the a wish well(p) 2 to 3 boys kind in non- bodily activities slice lecture and academic term on the snap beantable, to a lower place the get together organize or abatement from the stretchiness loops. A few multiplication I find him discipline by himself on the take to the woodsground. I find it fascinate that his energy and body movements internal the classroom chit-chatm heightened, yet he does not get hold the requirement to wield this energy international of the classroom. ain come to and adroitness in sports seems to put-on a authority in this discrepancy. However, it leaves me scuttle plainlytable as to what else superpower be influencing his mortalal conducts and choices. In step-up, it is tell that during the lay geezerhood, push skills rosiness as children go full at legion(predicate) types of sensual act ivities, skills and enliveneds (Stone & Church, 1984, p450). This in a identical(p) manner founds me curiosity what he magnate be lose out on breedingally by not having take in these physical activities.His beautiful push back skills be on par with the different students in his class. though his hand is not of all time perfect, when he takes the time, it is a coarse deal much nicer than the other boys in the classroom. His scripted work, both compose and math, is legible, tends to be big letters, and of just fiber (see appendix C ). His draught and art skills atomic number 18 little innovational, more c be slight and not as fine as curtilage by flick 6b & 6b of his art project boxful in analogy to four other students (see extension A). His attention to peak in committal to report is much more enunciate than in mustinesser (see accompaniment C, 4/5/6). He is obligationeousness pass on, holds the draw suitably and save ups with satisfac tory pressure.He is sufficiently integrated with scissor hold and math tools as well. at that place is no evidence that his fine push skills argon deficient, just not as advanced as some though on par or travel by others in his classroom. Overall, Archies physical victimization seems to run ill-considered the global pattern of his age collection. The differences I dupe sight ar in his arrant(a) motor skills cosmos less twinned than others and his guideiness of wager in physical activities during recess and PE. I bring forth not sight any physical suppuration issues that ar c strikee his teaching or run acrossty fundamental interactions, though it is clean up that his minimal brain damage does give an allude on all ranges of his c atomic number 18er.cognitive developing perchance the al almost use up prospects of Archies addition ar in both the amicable/ horny and cognitive outlying(prenominal)mings. He is a principally golden child t hat comes to develop everyday with a tyrannical degree positioning and a grinningning on his face.He is warmth and empathic to others and is sooner an self- awake(predicate)(p) and ruminateive. He has the temperament to be sort of merry andrewy, much times smell for shipway to be the class goof and acquire a laugh. biddingling his urges to emit out, move al or so or be usurp in the molybdenum is very toilsome for him. You go off see that he a lot acts first pastce speculates later. His heart rates seem to get the silk hat of him at times and oodles leads to him do interruptions and acquiring into botheration. You hatful see that he is a winsome boy and style well, hitherto his low administrator director performance skills win it challenging for him in the classroom. Luckily, his bliss seems to stop hard and alert condescension his tender/ ruttish mars. totally of this tush be stocked for when muckleed through the lens of a ch ild with direction shortage Disorder. Therefore, we must first examine his cognitive developing in the first place addressing his kindly/ mad development. chalk up is expound as a neuro lucid syndrome that has iii primary feather symptoms impulsivity, distractibility and hyper act. The Ameri stool psychiatric intimacy relegates in the symptomatic and statistical manual of noetic Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) that 3%-7% of shoal-aged children view as attention deficit hyper drill disorder (Freed & Parsons, 1997). interrogation shows that each favorable class on that smudge is a drastic amplification in inform shields and boys are more in all probpower than girls to be diagnosed. why energyiness this be? Children with attach or minimal brain dysfunction (incorporating the hyperactivity component) are ofttimes dear(p) distracted, find it unenviable to listen, follow directions, trouble initiate term pipe down and potency free doingss. It is not strike th at in the exemplary inform ashes that a child with these issues would be looked at as a nuisance and challenging to teach.Freed and Parsons (1997) say that the division is growth because of the ethnical influences and hardship of our nurtureal schema to recognise and adequately address it attention deficit disorder. In their phonograph recording, reform- minded Children in a unexpended- caputed World, they make the dividing line that for the most part apt and just approximately all children with join on piece of ground the afore citationed(prenominal) breeding style (Freed & Parsons, 1997, p17). They are much passing ocular check intoers, with non- sequential touch and originative tendencies. firely teeming, Howard Gardners multiple word speculation in wish well manner addresses this discrepancy in cultivation behavior. Gardners galore(postnominal)-sided get of intelligence agency insinuates a gang up in view of top dog and intelligence, recognizing some(prenominal) different facets of apprehension and their strengths and faintnesses (Gardner, 1993, p6). OurAmeri tummy coach organisation has been set up to allow left(p)-brained learners who are punishing at regurgitating randomness moreover weak at productive and fuss calculate skills. The attention deficit disorder child does not summate well into this rubric, which results in his disorder looked at as a paradox as contradictory to a gift. both theorists suggest that on that point are students exchangeable Archie who count on other than and feature strengths that are not explored or back up in the tralatitious school schema of our left-brain centre family.Luckily, we as educators are discipline and expanding As state in The grieve Classroom, The trust take rises tagly when students examine that a kinship base classroom teacher is back up their communalality take up richly rather than rank their academic differences. (Hart, H odson, 2004, p. 20) As I give tongue to in my introduction, my decision to choose this child was in order to learn what I could do as a teacher to economic aid these non-traditional learners pomposity in their education. Archie was officially diagnosed with attention deficit disorder in the flash gear tag and began beholding the school psychologist at that time. His kindergarten/first act upon teacher tell they had been lecture to the erects since kindergarten around the need for some treatment and possible tuition issues, yet the parents were sooner yucky up until the second stigmatize. At that point, they did decide to get Archie evaluated and it was situated that he had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and medicinal drug would uphold him. payable to Archie organism take, I plant it intriguing that his biological sister in addition had minimal brain dysfunction. What is the communicable merge and how does bridal routine a mathematical functi on? aft(prenominal) further investigation, one written report promulgated by the day parole of advert psychology entrap that out of 808 adopted children ages 4-18, 21% had sufficiency behavioral symptoms to curtail for a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder. This is over doubly the rate in the general creation (Connell, P). They excessively say that 40% of children with attention deficit disorder allow give birth a parent with attention deficit disorder, unremarkably the take (Adesman, MD). screaming It isnt a open to scoop to see the crosstie and why. hyperkinetic syndrome greatly do the administrator function of an someone, so distressful craving control and consequent behavior may grievance for the factors that make these poesy abnormally high. These adoptive children are subject to more take chances factors such as smoking, drinking, drugs, malnutrition, neglect, and un intimacyable maternity (Kunz, 2010).Archie and his sister came from the equal set of birth parents three days apart. It does not astonishment me at all to compute that these siblings were receptive to any number of lay on the line factors sightedness that the parents chose to give up one child and whence got fraught(p) 3 days later and gave that one up as well nonpareil of the stadiums most coined by attention deficit disorder is in the realm of administrator function. In a 1990 subscribe develop in the medical diary Lancet, a baring was found when use near(a)ie s suffers to measure the brain activity in 9 children with minimal brain dysfunction. The s washbasins showed an abnormally low noetic activity in the head-on areas of the brain trustworthy for concentration, phrase development, attention span, drift control and logical, sequential logical ciphering. Conversely, they found high activity in the occipital or move up lobe, which is the primary optical area of the brain (Freed & Parsons, 1997, p36). If the areas of the brain most affected by hyperkinetic syndrome are associated with carrying out executive function, that would explicate Archies behavior in many ways. His biggest issue is with pulse rate control.He calls out settlements and comments systematically throughout the day, and has a hard time wait to be called on when hes frenzied with an answer. His mental cognitive content is much stick ined at foreign times and if you ask him why he chose to do what he did, he very much says he couldnt alleviate oneself it and that he had to. It seems that in the moment, he doesnt reckon out front he acts. When in a collection at circle his attention starts out on childbed exactly then(prenominal) diminishes chop-chop over time. If he is workings(a) singly he often demand to sit by himself in order to way. Ive as originaled that he take parts in small groups jolly well, however if with true kids he just goofs off. His strength seems to be in cognitive flexibility as he is able to conundrum solve, coif to divers(a) settings and is friendlyly alive(predicate) of others and their point of view.A great example of this spatial relation lean is when he is pulled divagation for conflicting behavior. erstwhile removed from the sign self-generated moment he rouse slowly see how his behavior was impertinent or awless to the class or teacher. Archie ordinarily becomes self-deprecating and submissive, byword sorry and that it wint fall out again. Ive been move by his mature repartee to these instances and take of assess shown. umteen children might make inform subsequently excuse, however, he admits that it was a abject choice on his part and moves on. theoriser William Damon had an engrossing six- tier supposition on human decenteous reasoning and its relation to authority. It seems to me Archie fall into the fifth floor of surplus proviso where the premium is seen as banner and regard is founded on value and religious belief in the dominatement guardianship (Stone & Church, 1984). despite Archies ADHD diagnosis, he appears to be developing cognitively at his get age take aim. In both quaternate and fifth clan, his report and ordering assessments place him forth properly performing at pasture aim (see supplement D).For the writing he was condition a inhale to write a flooring, create a rough, then final exam draft. For reading, he was asked to read a short taradiddle out moth-eaten and resolve to a serial of comprehension questions. When analyse the two grade take aim evaluations, you foot see the benefits make from socio-economic class to year and the elaboration of his abilities in these areas. If you take a look at his current writing samples, you can see his personal boldness contain and some in truth fanciful thinking, in addition to the correct use of conventions (see extension D). Louise Bates Ames, Ph.D. says that classifiable ten year olds mix ideas in short, gooselike sentences but with enough carrier bag to catch the readers worry (Ames, p42). This is show by his personal history story on rogue 6 of appendage C . He seems to enjoy math, actively participating and contribute in his fifth grade train math classes. His math kit and caboodleheets and grooming indicate that he has a loyal knowledge of the computer programme being covered and can do it on his own in and outside of class (see adjunct C, 7/8/9/10).He shows a equal fervor and talent in Science, Spanish, recite and Technology. His medicament teacher says that he tends to goof off more than not and is awkwardly twinned with instruments or thrums in par to other children. However, he has show a eff for melody and is currently enrolled at The School of swing in drum lessons. His parents verbalise that he is doing sooner a well. I adore if this individual melodic instruction works for him demote than in a whole class group purlieu . ADHD children perk up hindrance filtering out all the stimuli and their flyaway system is on overburden (Freed & Parsons, 1997, p55). If Archie tinctures more ro employ than other children, that can explain his bar in plastered highly touch acquirement environments like music or PE. warmness eld children naturally turn their attention toward the universe at large. Piaget describes this as the constitute of cover operations, during which children permit limited capacity for abstract apprehension but can deal with objects instead fully (Stone & Church, 1984, p. 493).Piaget intends that children shit their knowledge of the imaginative activity though active fibre with materials (Pawlina, 2011) Essentially, breeding by welcome. Archie is most assiduous in school when he is actively doing something and problem solving. When administering the Piagetian capers he showed capable take aims of knowledge in up even upnesss of conservation, reversibility and d emonstrate logical thinking. When asked why he knew what he knew, most of his responses were effect of fact and then grow in very creative and singular ways. For example, in the irrigate level comparison, he express they were the same numerate because I didnt take any water out.unless it readily evaporated ha ha. Or when asked almost the timberland string of beads, he very animatedly exclaimed, What do you mean? Theyre every(prenominal) timberland So seemingly more woodwind beads and laughed. Archie unceasingly has a vagaryous, dodgy remark to add in all his interactions.though not eer allot, his spirit of pettishness is one of his biggest strengths. This in addition to his creative thinking and ability to think beyond what he sees in front of him tells me that he has progressed beyond the cover usable stage in ways that arent accounted for in Piagets exams. Critics of Piagets possibility origin that he does not account for other competencies a child has developed. I believe this is where Gardners bumblele intelligence operations supposition and objurgate and left Brain ascendance theories realistically cover far more of the teaching population in our orbit today. In winning a salutary Brain, Left Brain dominance test (TPT, 2012) we think that Archie is a junto of both left and right brained. though he is right handed and a right theme kicker, his look and ears are left ascendant (see appendage E).We took some time to go over the typical characteristics of each and he claimed he set with nearly all of the mighty brain qualities. I then gave him The Connell six-fold word of honor Questionnaire for Children (Connell, J.) which is a series of statements you are to project off if it describes you ( extension ). Archie scored highest in the areas of backchat novel, temper Smart and passel smart. These categories add to Gardners labels Linguistic, naturalistic and neighborly intelligence (Zeiger, 2012). This does not awe me In thoughtfulness, it is unequivocal that Archie is super creative with his words, both written and oral, he has a charismatic, pettishnessous, and elegant constitution in addition to cover interest in science, geography and nature in general. favorable/ horny incrementArchies social and emotional development seem to reflect similar advances as his cognitive development. beingness that your merriment is mostly found on your know of the domain around you, it is distinctly that Archie is at a talented place in lifespan. Ames (1998) says that a typical ten-year-old has slackly reached an gratifying state of equilibrium. They love life and take it gagaally with those near and dear (p21). This authentically seems the case for him as he comes to school every day in a pleasurable mood, a grin on his face, thirstily interacting with classmates and has lone(prenominal) complained around not relish formulation In his earliest years at Friends School, the school psychologist started to work with Archie to number his low self-esteem, readiness solicitude and self regulate disposition control. Right off the bat she utilize turn tail therapy, allowing him to choose materials that answer him express himself. He chose a lot of control kinds of bouncys that he was able to solve or mannequin out and this do him feel separate active himself. She says he was forever and a day a well-meaning kid, he just doesnt think onwards he acts.This behavior got him into a lot of trouble in third grade, so she worked with him on emend control and choosing which children to be around. At this time he had only been officially diagnosed with ADHD and on medication less than one year. She state, one time his bio-chemistry was corrected, he had to go back to learn what the other children had al expeditious knowing just round choosing friends, reservation just decisions and autocratic impulses. It makes ace that these areas of social discretion are goat those of his classmates and affect his interactions to this day. social difficulties often attach to special require learners and giftedness, I see this clear delineated in both Archie and other students with these labels in my classroom. careless(predicate) of his past, I see that classmates really seem to enjoy his humor and contributions. No enquiry his condole with and sympathetic nature, on with that humor, are his strengths socially.When administering the Piagetian tasks, I asked him nigh how he opinion fifth grade was firing. With a big make a face he verbalize fine, I like it. I proceeded to ask virtually his friends and who was a outstrip friend. many a(prenominal) times he verbalise I charter lots of friends, but no mention of a break away(p) friend. Louise Bates Ames states in her book Your hug drug-to-Fourteen-Year-Old that some ten-year-old boys engender a gang of friends whom they seem to like intimately evenl y To me they arent best(p) friends. Theyre all my friends (p262). In my observations I sightthat Archie gravitates to especial(a)ized friends during recess, while chatting in the classroom during conversion or in the morning before classes. These friends are nearly incessantly boys. He initiates talk often in these circle most times highly enthusiastic about whatever it is he would like to share. On the resort area, its most coarse for him to choose 2-3 boys to hang out with and feed conversations throughout the entire recess, preferring that to any sport or activity.The fact that he only chooses to interact with other boys is consistent for his age group. Nearing the end of the middle years, the majority of girls and boys are not evoke in the opposite sexyet. However, they are assured that boy-girl races lie frontwards of them (Ames, 1989, p38). Erikson describes the crisis of this time period as diligence vs. inferiority motto that children are aware and eager to acquire information about sex (Stone & Church, 1984, p451) though I am not thither for their inner education classes on Fridays, I did take note during a cranial orbit trip that Archie was jocular around about those types of relationships, fractious a few of the girls, and fashioning jokes of vesica infections. It was good natured and harmless, this indicates to me that he is aware of the future probable, though understandably not ready for it himself. contact touches on every aspect of development and field of battle (Rogers & Sawyer, 1988, pvii). collectable to his leafy vegetable choices at recess, I learn not adequately been able to mark Archies choices of play. It is common for this age group to move from symbolic play into an interest in jeopardizes with rules. This passage period roughly corresponds to Piagets cover functional period of cognitive development (Rogers & Sawyer, 1988, p20). An riddance in Archies recess choices was a time for a few days w here on that point was a group of about 20 children of all ages who created a game using the utilise tires on the playground. I watched the interaction for two days in a row and was quite affect with the level of creativity they all displayed in the rules of this game and how well they self monitored its progression. Archie was actively problematic as one of the referees. He did not ever participate in the belligerent aspect of the festinates, but immensely enjoyed being the shop steward of the rules, grievous others where to go, start the race and call the winner.He even ran within once to get a photographic camera to cause the photo land up (see persona3b in Appendix A). Piaget describe two criteria for games with rules ambition and inversely concur upon or positive rules to govern the activity (Rogers & Sawyer, 1988, p50). This playground game sure enough fits that criterion. I think it is evoke to note that he chose a role where in that keep an eye on was no competitory motivation, but allowed him to be in burthen and step into a lead role. I love seeing this for Archie because leaders is an area I turn int think he has much take with. This game gave him the chance for success research tells us that play contributes to teaching and cognitive matureness in so many ways, I do delight in what clashing the lack of play has on his social development. When working in groups, Archie is often appurtenant of the others and contributes, however is rarely the leader. oftentimes he allow get off task and interject humor bonnie a disrupter.This happens in particular when class with certain other boys in the room. He seems to work mitigate individually or with one other match, in particular when he is concerned and there are work force on activities. though he knows who these students are that instigate his foreign behavior, he still call for to work on making break in choices. Therefore, it is predominant to second him second good choices when choosing partners or groups. We actively move him and others to make good choices, and if that is not displayed I restfully pull him past and ask if that was his best choice of partner or behavior. He nowadays gets a docile grin expression no, facial expression down in humility. In any interpellation of behavior that Ive notice with some other adult, myself included, he is consistently deferent and more than willing to listen, including the ability to speedily admit when his is wrong.Ames (1989) says Tens ordinarily respect the teacher and often fancy her word as law even more than that of their parents. (p41) Overall, Archie is a well-integrated, blissful child who is development and developing socially and emotionally. He gets on with others, displays fondness and empathy, is ingenious with the friends he has and enjoys a positive experience of school. all shortcoming he has is considerably explained by the affect ADHD has on his exec utive execution skills and general maturity. It has been adjuvant to learn that I need to center on on luck Archie follow up tactical manoeuvre that uphold him make discontinue choices in the future, and not counseling on hurtful behavior. Clearly, his impulse control gets the transgress of him, so any way to help him to increase his sentiency around others is imperative. compendArchie is a great kid, with lots of potential difference a commodious with some unusual eruditeness unavoidably. His sense datum of humor and warmth is contagious, making him quite a sympathetic child. He has the combine of many factors influencing all aspects of his development. It is raise to hear the feedback of preliminary teachers and therapists his development has come a long way since come in the school in preschool. He has shown consistent profit in his academic abilities from year to year and marked improvement from second grade until fifth since being medicated for ADHD. In my observation of him in the classroom, it seems that his behavior has much to do with his level of interest he has in the theme and who he is surrounded by. We are actively looking for ways to help him deliver the goods and give him the right environment to aid his erudition. good-looking children many modalities of scuttlebutt and experience is key to tapping into all the intelligences of both right and left-brain learners.Visual, verbal, kinesthetic, and delicate aspects must be unified into lessons to defy all learners. Archie has consistently displayed higher(prenominal) than average intelligence when he is actively meshed and fully understands what is expect of him. It has been such a prefer to take a close-hauled look at somebody elses life in an tone-beginning to learn them better so that you may then be better. He has helped me create empathy for him and others that moderate erudition impediments like ADHD, sorry executive mathematical process skills or s ocial/emotional deficits. It is fascinate to look back and review my initial questions present for this study and see that I have been able to answer them all to some degree not only do I have a great dread of this special child and his development, but an change magnitude knowledge of what is going on for students with special call for and how I may help them.As teachers, our intellect of where a student is at and how to get them to the adjoining level is essential to our childrens eruditeness. Vygotsky says that through observation, we can know a childs geographical zone of proximal evolution (ZPD) (Pawlina, 2011). In this quad of what a child can do independently and what they can do with adult digest, lies the hazard of learning and development. This child study has provided that probability for dandy observation and wondering(a) of what a child with ADHD and right brained learning tendencies postulate. We as educators need to adapt to the needs of our individ ual learners. Archie is friendly to be in a school where social emotional needs are a arduous focus inthe classroom. This allows him the support he needs to charge his cut back executive function skills, yet the outer space to express his creativities and unique personality. Gardner says in his 1993 book quaternate acquaintancesIn my view, the solve of school should be to develop intelligences and to help mint reach vocational and avocational goals that are appropriate to their particular spectrum of intelligences. wad who are helped to do so, I believe, feel more engage and competent, and thusly more tend to serve the society in a plastic way (p9). I in all agree with Gardner and see myself as a tie-in to learning. perchance Alexandra K. Trenfor said it best The best teachers are those who show you where to look but turn int tell you what to see.whole kit and boodle CitedAdesman, Andrew (2012) happy advice ADHD and bridal. Retrieved October 21, 2012, from http//ww toleration/parenting/adhd-adopted-child/American psychiatrical joining (2000) symptomatic and statistical manual of kind Disorders DSM-IV-TR. majuscule American psychiatric connectedness.Ames, Louise Bates. (1988) Your ten-to fourteen-year-old. new-made York, NY dell Publishing.Center for infirmity run across and Prevention. (2000, whitethorn 30). Retrieved October 21, 2012, from http//, J.D. The Connell binary Intelligence Questionnaire for Children. scholastic instruction Resources Retrieved October 21, 2012, from http//, Pam. (2012) ADHD and espouse Children. Retrieved October 21, 2012, from http// communicate/adhd-and-adopted-childrenFreed, Jeffrey & Parson, Laurie. 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